Tuesday 19 January 2010

Prayer gets you there

When you read the bible God speaks to you. When you pray, you speak to God. Both are necessary and complementary in the Christian life. We are at time in history were prayer is very important. Yes prayer is important at all times but as we look and see what is happening in our world today we can see how urgent prayer is now. In Eph 5v16 "The days are evil" the Apostle wrote.

Ask yourself as a Christian "Do I believe prayer works?"

I will go out on a limb here and suggest that many Christians have never had their prayers answered. Sure they have read books that tell of others who have, and they may even know someone that has had their prayers answered but they themselves have not.

The key point to prayer is belief. Not that you believe you will get what you ask for, but that you believe God hears your prayers.
Old Mr Simpson from a church I went too was a great believer in prayer. He would spend the night in prayer if he knew someone needed support. Can you imagine praying all through the night?

Prayer is a gift from God.
Prayer is like a new tv. We may understand something about the tv but we also have to tune it in and get used to how it works. Sometimes we need to adjust the picture and fine tune it.
Prayer does not come naturally to us. If we are honest many of us rush out the house forgetting to ask for God's blessing on our day and go through the whole day without even saying hello to God.
I am as guilty as the rest and what a missed opportunity that has been.

A good way to help us pray is to pick a person to pray for each day

Be blessed

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