Monday, 31 August 2009


One of the most difficult things in the world is to find people that you trust. People that have your best interests at heart, people that wont lie to you when you ask them for your opinion. I am sure we all have "friends" that will tell us what we want to hear but is that what we call a true friend?
I am someone that prefers straight talk but I also know there are ways of answering hard questions that friends ask. Although I am a straight talker I take care not to offend.
We need friends that will tell us when we are doing something that will not benefit us. We need friends that will not judge us. We need friends that will be just our friends and listen, sometimes without even saying anything at all.

Many of us have done things that we are ashamed of or at some point in the future we may do something that causes us pain or others pain. It is at that point we will need TRUE FRIENDS.

Think how hard it is to open up to someone with your inner most thoughts. Do you have someone that you could expose your whole life to and know that they will still love you in true friendship.

We can all reach out to God and open up to God about our thoughts. At the end of the day God already knows us and knows what we have done but yet God still loves us.

My thought for today is find someone that you can open up to. Someone that you can trust because not only do we all need this but we will all benefit from it.

Be Blessed

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