Thursday 4 March 2010


If you look around Glasgow you will find there is no shortage of churches to go to but which one is the church for you?
The only way to find out is to try before you buy. I would suggest attending a few churches and then whittle it down to 3 or 4. Think of finding a church in the same way you would buy a house. No one would just look at a house from the outside and then decide to buy it. You would have a look inside and check it from top to bottom and if interested you would send in a surveyor. But when it comes to the church you will be the surveyor because only you know what you are looking for.

I would suggest avoiding fundamentalist churches because I believe they do more damage than good. Just because a church claims to follow the word of God to the letter does not make them a good church. Most of these churches miss the message of Christs love and in fact miss the message of love.
I would also avoid churches were the pastor preaches for 45minutes or more because most people can only keep their attention span for 20 minutes at a time.

Find a church that is faithful to the Gospel
Find a church that believes in the gifts of the spirit
Find a church that shows love(believe me you will know it when you see and feel it)

Remember you are responsible for you're own salvation, so its up to you to find a church were you can worship God in Spirit.

The danger is to rely on you're pastor Elder friend etc

If you seek God with all you're heart He will direct you to the right church for you

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